Termin: 15.05.2019
Accessibility Club Meetup #8
A barcamp-style meetup for web workers & designers about web accessibility & assistive technology
After our first conference in Berlin last November it's time for a smaller-scale meetup again. Sticking to our quasi-tradition of side-by-side-ing with the wonderful beyond tellerrand conference, we're now bringing the Accessibility Club to Düsseldorf for the first time.
Propose your session(s)
The meetup will use a BarCamp-like format, which means that we don't have a pre-defined schedule, invited speakers or conference-like talks. Instead, the event has a self-organizing character: At the beginning, attendees propose sessions about topics they are interested in, have questions about or want to share their experience with. The goal is to spark discussions and encourage part-giving rather than part-taking.
Sessions are time-boxed to 45 minutes. Depending on the number of attendees and proposals there may be multiple sessions in parallel. While promotional presentations are discouraged you're welcome to share your work in order to get feedback or let others benefit from your findings.
If you already plan to facilitate a session hello [at] a11y.club (please let us know) in advance. We're happy to publish an announcement right here!